Media Coverage and recent MMAP Events in our communities
Kamala Harris Endorsement for Mural Music & Arts Project
MMAP’s History through Hip Hop August 2015 Showcase featured on ABC 7 “Be Inspired Community Grant” Award Announcement
ABC 7 Society Feature on MMAP’s Community Work in 2015
MMAP’s FIT Zones Program featured on NBC Bay Area
MMAP's Graffiti Art's Project (GAP) featured on Channel 2 News
MMAP's History through Hip-Hop Program on KRON4: RedCarpet SF
“Living in Harmony” by Jack Arent
Daily News, March 26, 2008
Local teens have been helping paint a 450-square-foot mural at the new East Palo Alto Police Department headquarters depicting officers and residents coexisting in harmony.

Past Articles
Arts Teacher Fellowships Foster Professional Growth. Peninsula Community Foundation, Spring-Summer Newsletter 2006, Volume 009.
Two friends share one goal: UC-Santa Cruz and nursing. Mercury News, Valedictorians 2006, by Carolyn Jung, July 11, 2006.
What Students Do with ‘Venture Fellowships.’Stanford Magazine, Marck/April 2006, by Rod Searcey.
"Hispanic Heritage Salutes: Sonya Clark-Herrera.” ABC 7/KGO, San Francisco. Special segment aired October 15 through November 15, 2005.
“Profiles of Excellence.” ABC 7/KGO, San Francisco. Hispanic Heritage Month segment, featuring Sonya Clark-Herrera and the Mural Art Project. Aired October 7, and October 9, 2005
“Hip Hop, Murals, and Youth.” KFOG 104.5 - San Francisco. Radio interview by Gimmy Park Li with Sonya Clark-Herrera and Jidenna Mobisson. Aired Sept. 17-18, 2005.
“Art for Education’s Sake: East Palo Alto Mural Art Project.” Palo Alto Community Fund Financial Report. Newsletter, Fall 2005.
2005 National Leadership Summit on Improving Results for Youth in Washington D.C., sponsored by NCSET National Leadership Summit. Sonya Clark-Herrera presented at the conference, held June 14-15, 2005.
“Report to the Community 2003-2005.” Peninsula Community Foundation report. “Why Support Creativity and the Arts?”
In February 2005, Sonya Clark-Herrera, the Executive Director of the Mural Art Project, presented at a conference hosted by the American Youth Policy Forum entitled “The Role of Community-based Organizations Serving Youth in the Out-of School Time.”
“Designing Relationship, Making Art.” Chapter from Just When I Needed You: True Stories of Adults Who Made a Difference in the Lives of Young People by Deborah Fisher (pp. 71-74), 2005 (Search Institute).
“2004 Connections: Community Responsibility Annual Report.” Arts feature. Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP.
SPARK Series on the Art Scene in the Bay Area. KQED Channel 9, San Francisco, Television spot aired May 6 and May 9, 2003.
"Working Assets Radio with Laura Flanders: Interview with East Palo Alto Mural Art Project Muralist Omar Ramirez." KALW 91.7 FM. San Francisco, December 4, 2002.
"Walls Open Doors: Murals Teach Teens Art, Responsibility," by Mark Simon. San Francisco Chronicle, November 26, 2002.
Just / Art: Community Dialogue on Art and Social Change hosted by Stanford History Dept. Held Satuday November 9, 2002.
"IKEA Creates Match Challenge Program to Support EPA Youth." IKEA East Palo Alto Newsletter, October 2002.
"Stanford, East P.A. Uneasy Partners," by Thaai Walker and Kim Vo. San Jose Mercury News, September 24, 2002.
"Off the Wall: East Palo Alto Mural Project Teaches Kids About Art, History and Community," by Robyn Israel. Palo Alto Weekly, July 26, 2002.
"Teen Muralists Have Vision of Community ," by Annie Nakao. San Francisco Chronicle, June 6, 2002.
Cardinal Chronicle, by Barbara Palmer. Stanford Report, April 3, 2002.
"Vantage Point: Community Day is a celebration of year-round partnership "
By Gordon Earle, April 2, 2002.
"Brushing Up on History," by Leslie Talmadge. Stanford Magazine, March/ April, 2002.
"Breakthrough Artist," by Mark Simon. San Francisco Chronicle, January 31, 2002.
"The Art of Judging," by Bryan Chin. Palo Alto Weekly, January 18, 2002.
"Stanford Vice Provost Draws On Her Experience As A Judge," by Kim Vo. San Jose Mercury News, January 7, 2002.
Arts & Minds Program Interview with Omar Ramirez. Channel 6 (Palo Alto Public Access Station). Television aired September 19, 2001.
"Teens Create Mural on East P.A. History." San Jose Mercury News, September 10, 2001.
KDTV Channel 14 (Univision), 11:00 PM news report, September 7, 2001.
"Group Unveils Mural." Palo Alto Daily News, September 7, 2001.
"East Palo Alto Kids Paid to Paint Murals," by Melanie Carroll. Palo Alto Daily News, July 9, 2001.